Sunday, January 22, 2012


SWEET TO SWAP NOW Skip the refined white sugar and drizzle a teaspoon or two of anti-oxidant shiny golden liquid into your coffee, oatmeal or tea and even in your slice of toast. This little change could affect hunger hormones in slimming ways.

ONE GOOD REASON TO EAT CHOCOLATE You've probably heard that dark chocolate can make you less likely to develop high blood pressure or suffer strokes, thanks to compounds called flavonoids, found in chocolates. Studies show that people who include this sweet in their diets have a lower risk of heart disease than those who deprive themselves. But remember, it's still high in calories, so......"not too much honey".

KEEP FOOD OUT OF SIGHT Don't bring more food you need to the table. Leaving extras on the counter will help us eat less. When that big bowl of yummy past is on sight, it is easier to take more and more and more......
USE SMALLER PLATES Studies show that we tend to eat what's put before us..... So bigger plates will lead to much bigger meals, so is the opposite....

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