Sunday, January 22, 2012


Adding these 3 simple routines in our daily activity will help us stay fit and healthy!

1. START THE DAY WITH A GLASS OF WATER. It's been a popular habit in Japan to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. The latest weight-loss trick maybe as simple as drinking a glass of water before you eat! Drinking plenty of water is one way to flush out toxins from our body. Water has no calorie, hence the best drink to quench your thirst specially if you are on a diet. To zest up your drink, squeeze 1 calamansi in a glass of water warm or cold water.
2. WALK, JOG, RUN. I jog around our village at least 30 minutes early morning 5 days a week. As a beginner, since your body is yet to adapt to the rigor of running, it’s best that you alternate 2 minutes jogging with 5 minutes of walking. You can steadily increase the number of minutes you jog and reduce the number of minutes you walk, so that in a couple of weeks you are doing 5 minutes of jogging and 1 minute of walking. By the fourth week your body should feel adapted to jogging so you can do a steady 20 minute jog without any break for walking (of course it’s important that you always start your jog with 5 minutes of walking for warm up, no matter how veteran you become at your running skills).

3. SNOOZE TO LOSE. The optimal amount of sleep for weight control is between seven to eight hours a night. If you sleep fewer than six hours most nights of the week, you can put on up to 11 pounds over six years, say various studies. That may not sound like a big deal, but it can add to the creep of obesity caused by other factors such as stress or lack of activity. I usually go to bed at 9PM and wake-up at 4AM on week days, and on week ends at 10PM and wake-up at 5AM. And I do take 30-45 minutes afternoon naps on week days.

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