Saturday, January 21, 2012


It's no secret that eating citrus fruits helps our immune system. Research shows that consuming plenty of the juicy fruits can also speed weight loss, reduce the risk for skin cancer and even keep bones strong. Fill up with this delectable picks, their flavors will transform your meal or drinks into a nutritious and delicious dish.

CALAMANSI or CALAMANDARIN This fruit is widely cultivated and available year round in the Philippines. It is usually seen and use widely in its unripened state as a dark green fruit that turns tangerine orange color when ripen. This fruit has many health benefits. Like other citrus fruit, it is high in Vitamin C. It is commonly used as a condiment for Filipino dishes like Pancit. The juice is used to marinade pork or chicken for barbecue, and to season sea foods. It is used in beverages like tea and to zest my water, I squeeze a piece of calamansi in a glass of warm water and drink it every morning as a part of my morning ritual. I also used it for beer. ( Cut it and squeeze it in your ice cold beer). 

Calamansi has several medicinal uses, like; as a natural acne medicine and whitening, rubbed it gently on you face once or twice a day, rinse it after a minute. When rubbed on insect bites, it relieves the itching and reduce the irritation. It is  also a natural dandruff control medicine by using the juice like shampoo and a deodorizer as well. Better yet add calamansi juice in your bath water to get all the benefits for your skin.

GRAPEFRUIT It's been a popular diet! Eating half of a grapefruit before meals helped people lose about 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks. The juice helps lower insulin levels, increasing calorie burn.

Use it with your salad: Peel and chop a grapefruit, combine 1/2 cup grapefruit pieces, 1/2 cup diced avocado, 1/2 cup diced apple, 1tpsd minced onion, 1/4 cup diced red bell pepper, dressed it with a tbsp of Bertolli extra virgin olive oil, a squeeze of calamansi, sprinkle of salt, pepper and some mixed herbs.

TANGELO Branch out with tangelos, a sweet-tasting cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. 

Use it for your smoothie: Peel and separate segments, mix with mango or banana, 1 cup non fat yogurt, 1 cup ice cubes, 1tbsp honey and blend it. Enjoy a great snack!

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