Saturday, January 28, 2012


TAKE A HIKE. Take that lazy body of yours and go for a walk. I suggest, do it in the morning to get more boost. Natural light suppresses the sleep promoting hormone melatonin, making you feel more alert.

KEEP MOVING. If you are inactive, you are putting your body in sleep mode. Physical activity increases blood flow and jump-starts your metabolism. Get your heart rate up at least 20 minutes everyday.
STRAIGHTEN UP. Check your posture while working on your desk. Slouching makes you tired that leads to back pain. Post a note on your laptop/desktop as a reminder....HEY, YOU! SIT UP STRAIGHT! works well for me :)
FIGURE OUT TO MANAGE YOUR SCHEDULES. Worry, worry, raises your stress hormone and increases your blood pressure, leaving you exhausted. Write down your to-do- list from the essentials and let the little things standby for a bit and do something fun with your kids instead.
HAVE YOUR MOMENT ALONE. Limit your time with needy friends. Are you happy and energized or depleted after talking or meeting with a friend? Focus on friendships that lift you up. If your kids are use to taking a bath with you; be tough to say no, " this is my bath time" and close your bathroom door.

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